Baumbach Castle Pictures 1984 & 1996

Germany Trip 1984 (My Father, Mother and Grandmother) My trip 1996

Apartment in the Castle from 1984

Black and white drawing of Castle

Castle Main Gate and William J. Baumbach II This is me standing in front of the gates of the Baumbach Castle

Inside the Castle walls

That is my grandmaster Beryl A. Little

This would have been taken by my father during his drip in 1984 

Castle outside wall window

This is the window where the chapel is inside. I have been told they put this on the side of a Castle with the weakest defenses, because in mediaeval times soldiers would not attack the side with the chapel.

Castle Steeple Inside the Castle, I think on the third floor is the steeple. From 1996

Castle view from far away. Year unknown

Picture of Castle from Air This is a nice picture from a plane of the Baumbach Castle in Germany

This is Picture was given to me by Friedrich-Wilhelm von Baumbach of Castle from Air in 1996

Year of picture is unknown

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