Baumbachs Of Germany
Pictures and other information about Baumbachs and the Baumbach Towns in Germany
Introduction to Baumbachs in Germany
Baumbachs of Germany page includes details of the two towns in Germany. Pictures of the Baumbach castle and pictures from the two trips I made to Germany. It has Information about the history of Baumbachs in Germany.
My German Baumbach friends & relatives in Germany have a web page at: (2023 it is a Mediation business now)
They were very nice to me during my short visit to Germany. Maybe one day they can come here to the USA., and I can return the same hospitality they gave me. I hope to one day go back to their beautiful country and see them again!
Website in Ransbach-Baumbach Germany "not in English" This is one of two towns in Germany with the Baumbach name in it. The other town is Alheim-Baumbach and can be viewed at looks like the name of the town was changed from Alheim-Baumbach to just Alheim the old URL was
Gerhard Baumbach in Germany who's father came from Ebertshausen in Thueringen which is not very far (approx. 150 km) from the castle in Nentershausen. His Grandfather had a small factory for guns and he was producing pistols for the police in London. Gerhard was kind enough to send me this catalog of guns that Ferdinand Baumbach used to make.
Pictures and information about the Baumbach names in Germany.
Here are pictures and information of the two towns with the name Baumbach in them and the names and information about the German Von Baumbach family that are in charge of the Baumbach Castle, they also own forest's and two other towns in Germany.
The two towns in Germany with the name Baumbach in them are map of Alheim-Baumbach a small farming town that is nearest to Nentershausen, the German Von Baumbachs and the Baumbach/Tannenberg castle. (about thirty minutes drive) Then there is Ransbach-Baumbach (about a two hour drive away) that is a larger town that about ten years ago (from 1996) was two independent towns, one named Ransbach and the other just Baumbach. They merged to make one big town with Motels and Shopping Malls and is famous for making Pottery. Neither of the two towns have any Baumbachs living there are buried in any of the cemeteries (that I could find.) No one in the two towns could tell me why they have named them after Baumbachs other then many years ago Baumbachs started the towns and then moved on across Germany and other places like the USA.
The Baumbach castle is called the Tannenberg Castle and is located in Nentershausen Germany. It is being remodeled, the German Von Baumbach's are trying to raise money and are collecting many old antiques that have belonged to the Baumbachs over the centuries in hopes to restore it and turn it into a Baumbach museum and pub to sell beer. Please see the newer Baumbach Castle website for updated information, the above is a little out dated (2001)
Ransbach-Baumbach is located off highway #3 and highway #48 to the Northeast of Koblenz near the city of Montabaur.
Alheim-Baumbach is located South of the City Kassel on the Fulda river in the County of Alheim off highway #83 near the City of Rotenburg.
The Baumbach Castle
This information has been moved to Baumbach Castle section
The German Baumbach Family
The Baumbachs in Germany website is now a Baumbach Mediation site
For updated contact information for Friedrich-Wilhelm Von Baumbachsee the Castle section of this website
His brother Bodo Died November 11, 2000 of heart failure in Kirchheim, Hessia. He was 62. His daughter Sabine from the US. was just visiting at the time.
Pictures of Baumbachs in Germany
Famous Baumbach Painting
Sent: Saturday, April 26, 2014 4:36 PM Subject: Famous Baumbach Painting
Hello, While doing some research I came across your website - The Painting you show ( Famous Baumbach ) is Ernst Von Baumbach (1791-1860) Generalleutnant & Governor of Stuttgart. I wanted to ask where this portrait painting is located ? I have found that Christian Pfann did a lithograph of this portrait in 1854. I am trying to establish the date & artist of the painting - Although I am not a Baumbach , I find all History fascinating & your Family does have a lot of interesting history. Any information or contacts regarding the portrait you can provide will be appreciated. All the Best, Jamie L. Stevens
06-30-2005 I need to update this with his name, I do remember being told this Baumbach rode with Napoleon during the crusades
Baumbach ancestor took part in the war of Napoleon against Russia in 1812, a chronicle.
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Büdi Baumbach <>
Date: Wed, Sep 20, 2023 at 7:07 AM
Subject: Baumbach-family
To: William@Baumbach. Com <>
Hi William, one of our Baumbach ancestors took part in the war of napoleon against Russia in 1812 and wrote down his experiences. It is terrible but important.My father should have read it bevor he went to Russia.
Did I send you the history of the baumbach who emigrated to Wisconsin in about 1850 ?
Sincerely, Büdi
Friedrich-Wilhelm von Baumbach
Finkenweg 81
36251 Bad Hersfeld
Tel. +49 6621 4079080
Fax +49 6621 4079081
Mobil +49 170 3410818
Personal Experiences of the Campaign Against Russia in 1812
The author of this chronicle was Ernst Wilhelm von Baumbach, born in 1791
Fridolf von Baumbach,
Captain and Battery-Commander in the 2nd Rhein-Field Artillery Regiment No. 23.
PDF 20 pages added 09/20/2023